What makes you a bad driver?
There are many things that could potentially make you a poor driver and you’re probably aware of most of them already. There are, however, quite a number of surprising factors which significantly decrease your ability to drive safely. Here are some of the more surprising ones.
1. Singing
Easy there, Frank Sinatra. We all enjoy listening to music when we’re in the car but, according to research, singing along to your favourite song could be a major distraction. First of all, fiddling with the radio takes your attention off of where it needs to be: the road. The type of music you listen to can also have an effect. High tempo music, such as techno, has been proven to make people drive more aggressively (i.e. dangerously). Singing a song, even one you know by heart, also distracts your brain so, as tough as it might be, it might be worth switching your sound system off altogether.
2. Taking the same old road
It might sound counterintuitive but constantly driving on familiar roads can actually increase your chances of having an accident. Knowing the route inside out makes you complacent and your mind starts to wander. Choosing a different way of reaching your destination will keep you on your toes.
3. The common cold
It might have a reputation as being one of the more trivial ailments we have to endure but when you’re behind the wheel of a car a cold could be deadly. Research indicates that our reaction times are significantly slower and we’re more easily distracted when we have a cold. Bear that in mind the next time you’re stricken with a bout of the sniffles.
4. Checking road signs
This one is unusual, and we wouldn’t want to discourage you from reading them entirely, but studies have proven that having fewer road signs actually reduces the amount of accidents in that particular area. The logic is this: drivers tend to rely on signs too much whereas, in reality, it’s more important to be aware of what’s happening on the road in front of you.
5. Children
This seems like a no-brainer. Of course kids are distracting. But the extent to which they are might shock you. Virtually nothing is more distracting while driving than having kids in the car. We’re all aware of how dangerous it is to use your phone behind the wheel but a study found that driving with kids is 12 times more distracting than taking a phone call. Obviously if you have kids you have no choice but to have them in the car but try your best to focus on the road rather than what’s going on in the back seat.
For more useful hints and tips, check out our blog or get in touch today. We’ll be delighted to help.
All the best,
The Team at GMIB.ie